
Saturday, December 29, 2012


In the Houston Heights and surrounding neighborhoods, there must be thousands of cozy bungalows with beautiful holiday lights. I try to pick different streets and areas each year, but many of these are perennial favorites. Next year I'm going to the famous Shepherd Park Plaza area where entire streets carry holiday themes. 
But for this year, here are some individual bungalows that win my favorites award.
This snappy rosy pink bungalow knocked my socks Christmas stockings off!

Where's Elvis? He needs to be singing "It'll be a BLUE CHRISTMAS without you" on this front lawn.

Not willing to stick to just one color, this colorful bungalow fills the yard and porch with a rainbow of colors.
So very cool!

I just love the classic white with hints of red, don't you? What a beautiful look! There are probably a thousand lights on this bungalow.

This bungalow is just a few blocks from our house. The hidden set of spotlights makes this one look like an island of holiday magic. They do this EVERY year and it's always one of my favorites.

Red, white, and blue! I love those light trees in the front yard. This was a new find and just down the street.

Here's the "I dare you to count the lights" version of a holiday bungalow. Now if it would only snow.
Totally amazing!

But my all time favorite is this Victorian home in Houston Heights. Who climbed up there to do the lights? 
Not me!
So which one was your favorite? Do tell!

Best wishes for a prosperous New Year.


  1. Hi,David
    I visit your other blog for the first time, and am amazed how beautiful they are!!!
    Lightening an individual house is getting popular in Japan for sevral years, but those in Houston are large scale!

    hmm... the lightening trees in the seventh one are beautiful...and the last one is amazing, too. I' can't believe that it is individual house... but my favorite is the fifth one:) It's kind of simple but the lighteneg tree becomes an accent of whole picture!

    Thank you for sharing!
    I wish you a Happy New Year:)

  2. Wonderful photos of holiday lights! I love the Victorian...

  3. These are great! That victorian with the moon peeking out is almost more halloween than Christmas! love it!


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