
Saturday, January 8, 2011


This delightful picket fence bungalow makes the most out of the enclosed garden area while keeping the larger yard intact.
For a gardener, a picket fence allows a rambling sort of beauty with vines, grasses, and flowers.
The plantings on BOTH sides of the sidewalk give the impression that you are getting to sneak through someone's private garden. The beautiful red and white bark belong to the white flowering Crepemyrtle.  It's a different species than the typical purple, red, and pink varieties. Thanks for joining me on the tour. David :-)


  1. I just love your house and your neighborhood! Thank you for sharing your photos. I'm too far away to do a drive through your neighborhood anymore. Have a great week! Candace

  2. For most people, a fence around their front or back yard is a white picket fence. While such a fence is conventionally pleasing to the eye, it cannot provide the security and durability that concrete fences can give you.

    White Picket Fence


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